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Shoot Guidelines

TC Energy

Prepared by Craig Van Horne


The purpose of this page is to help ensure that everyone working on this project is taking care to produce content that is consistent in all the locations we are shooting to help ensure a cohesive result in the edit.


I have included several examples below, in addition to some diagrams and technical charts for camera settings in addition to what we are doing on our end in order to efficiently manage the content as it comes in and moves through our post production editorial workflow.


The following are some technical specifications we would like you to follow whenever possible.

Frame Rate




4096x2160 DCI


3840x2160 UHD

Picture Profile


Room Tone

Please record 15 seconds for each interview


Shotgun on Channel 1

Lavalier on Channel 2

File Management | Naming Conventions

We would like to request the you organize your camera original data in the following structure, please follow the date convention and folder naming scheme, add additional folders for any additional camera's following the same convention:










Camera Report








Camera Report

The Camera Report

The camera report is a simple text document with basic information you will fill out about what camera you used, what the recording settings were such as Picture Profile, Gamma, Color Profile etc.


I've made a simple text document you can download at the link below. Once you have made a camera report for a given camera you can simply copy and paste that report into the camera sub-folder for every data offload.


This will help us expedite the color matching and grading process in our editorial workflow.

Interview Framing

We would like to maintain a consistent eye-line and framing for all interviews.


Frame subjects using the rule of two thirds. And try to keep the frame a little loose so we have the option of re-framing or adding a slow push or pull on the interview in the edit.

Eye Line

Standard Interview 2-Cam.jpg

Maintaining a consistent eye-line for all the interviews to be used in this project is very important. That being said, it's really easy to get the eye-line we are looking for.


In the diagram to the left you can see that the interviewer is standing as close as possible to the lens. When combined with the framing above, positioning the interviewer in the frame using the rule of two thirds you will achieve the eye-line we are seeking for this project.


Please alternate between frame left and frame right positioning for each interview you shoot.

Standard Interview 2-Cam Right.jpg

Please note the example below is simply an example of interviewee and interviewer positioning. It does not represent good lighting or environmental positioning. The interviewer should literally be as close to the lens as possible.

Note on B-Camera

Using a 1080p camera as a B-CAM for interviews is fine. Just try to be more precise in your framing and use a longer lens to compress the background and ensure sharp focus, follow the rule of two thirds. Here is an example of a shoot we did with 4K on the A-Camera and 1080p on the B-Camera.


Slating Interviews

I know it seems a little antiquated but for the ease of sorting through footage for our editors please slate each interview with the following information. 


You don't need to use a proper slate, a piece of paper will do just fine. The goal here is to have the pertinent information on the first frame of an interview clip.


In the absence of the snap of a slate, we recommend the use of a single loud hand CLAP on camera at the beginning of the recording to make it easier to match up the audio and video clips/timelines.


  • Production: TC Energy, Keystone

  • Video Shoot Location: Calgary, AB, Omaha, Neb., etc.

  • Interviewee Name: First Last (double check spelling)

  • Video Shoot Date: 2020/03/15

Step 1: PPE & Consent Forms

It is critical that proper PPE (personal protective equipment), as required, such as hard hats, vests, safety glasses, gloves, etc., is worn by all individuals who are on camera. This applies to interviews in field locations as well as for every individual on the job site in B-ROLL. Having incorrect PPE will result rejected photos and videos.


Additionally every individual on camera needs to sign a consent form for their likeness to be used. Below are links to download the consent forms for Adults and Children.

Step 2: Obtain Verbal Consent

Additional to the release form, and in the absence of a consent form, as a second layer of approval, we should ask the interviewee for consent, recorded on camera, at the beginning of the interview. You or the interviewer can read the following three questions aloud and ask the interviewee to consent to each. If the interviewee has already signed the ‘Release Form’ already, they should have no concerns answering yes to each of these questions as they are a redundant level of their prior signed consent.


Ask these three questions on camera after the opening slate, at the beginning of the recording, prior to conducting the interview.


  1. “Do you consent to TC Energy, the Company, its parent corporation, affiliates, subsidiaries, personnel, agents and representatives to record photographs, videos, audio, statements or quotations, collectively called the Materials, and reproduce, publish and distribute the Materials with or without reference to my name, without additional approval, at the Company’s reasonable discretion?

  2. Do you also acknowledge that you are not entitled to any remuneration of any kind as a result of the Company’s decision to use the Materials, and the Company will be the sole owner of all rights in and to the Materials, for all purposes in perpetuity and that any use or publication of the Materials will not confer in you any rights whatsoever?

  3. Do you also release, discharge and hold the Company, its legal representatives and assigns harmless from any actions, damages or consideration that may be claimed by, through or under you with respect to the Materials?

PPE Card_QRG_SHWeek_V3.jpg
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